Темы для theme manager скачать | | How to Use Theme Manager.Theme Manager is the Tool which is used to visualize the already existing themes, customize them to your requirements or develop new themes. To start the Theme Manager invoke the startThemeManager.bat/sh file under /bin/developertools directory. Settings in ThemeManager.bat/sh. Some basic arguments that can be passed when the LaunchThemeManager class is invoked are, -i - to mention the image name, which should be loaded during Theme Manager startup. -c - to specify the Path of the Configuration file. (Ex. c:\conf\Themes.conf), which is read for the list of themes to be shown in the screen. -t - to specify the Path of the Themes directory. (Ex. c:\Themes), where the theme files are present. Note : The image name specified with the " -i " option should be present in the AdventNetThemeManaget.jar file with its package structure as com/adventnet/alf/themes/Resources/images. There is an option to specify the path of the Themes directory in the " Themes.conf " file under /conf directory. The tag that is used to specify this is " THEMES-LOCATION ". If the Theme configuration file is specified with the -c option which has this tag and also a path is specified in the batch file using -t option, the path specified with the -t option would be ignored. One specified in the Themes.conf would take precedence. An example entry in the bat/sh file is, java com.adventnet.alf.themes.LaunchThemeManager -i "splash.png" -c F:\WebNMS\conf\Themes.conf -t F:\WebNMS\Themes. Theme Editor is the dialog that comes up when you try to add/ modify a particular theme, in the Theme Manager. The name for the new theme can be specified in the text field prov >Theme Name and any description you want to associate the theme with can be specified in the text field prov >Theme Description . The theme name is mandatory since a theme can be >Theme Settings namely Basic Colors and Overridden Colors . The Basic Colors node has six sub-nodes each representing a color. The "Overridden Colors" node has 28 sub-nodes, each representing an attribute (which provides a color to one or more screen components). By default the color associated with each of these attributes is one of the six basic colors or black or white. The right hand side frame shows the color pallets, from where you can select the colors for the selected attributes. Following are the steps to create/modify a theme. Execute startThemeManager.bat/sh file from /bin/developertools directory, to invoke the Theme Manager. Click " Add " button to create a new theme or select a theme and click " Modify " button to modify the selected theme. The Theme Editor dialog pops up. Enter a Name and a description for the new theme. (Description is optional.) Select individual basic color attributes or Overridden attributes and make the required changes in their colors. Apply the changes and click " OK " button, to see the applied colors in the Theme Preview screen. A new file with the theme name and extension .thm will be created in the /Themes directory. Its entry will be added to the Themes.conf file and thus displayed in the list shown in the Theme Manager screen. How to change the (Overridden) attribute colors ? Each of the six basic colors are associated with a set of screen components. For example, the components: Focus Color, Desktop Color, Controller Foreground, Menu Selection Background are applied with the Primary Color 2. When you change the color associated with the Primary Color 2, all the associated (above mentioned) components possessing the color gets modified. If you want to change the color of any particular attribute (say Desktop Color), then you can click and set the color specific to that overridden attribute. This will not affect the colors of other components. But once if you edit the color of a particular attribute, it will be treated as a separate entity and will not get affected if the basic color (with which it was previously associated) is changed. How to set colors using Themes Editor ? Three different ways of setting the colors are provided in the editor. A pallet of colors is provided from which you can just pick a color and apply. A HSB format for selecting the color is provided, where different shades are displayed amongst which you can select as per desire. A RGB format is also provided, where you can enter values for Red, Green and Blue colors. to pick the color. Thus you can pick the required color for an overridden attribute or a basic color as a whole. Finally you get the screen with each component configured with the required color. Copyright В© 2013, ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. | |